This Old Lady Sprinting The Wrong Way Down An Escalator Is All Of Us


That’s it.  That us. That’s all of us this Tuesday morning after Memorial Day Weekend.  Just trying to sprint the wrong way down an escalator and almost falling flat on our faces.  I feel that old lady’s pain and so do you.  Doing anything and everything to survive.  The leap for glory at the end will come later today around 2:00pm.  You’ll think it’s almost the end of the day, you’ll think you haven’t looked at the clock for 3 hours, jump like that old lady did with dreams of taking a nap and get dragged back up the escalator when you realize there’s still a few hours to go.  Stay strong out there today.


PS- Yes I’m a blogger.  Yes I work from home.  Yes I’m in my boxers.  Doesn’t change the fact that my brain feels like apple sauce and I wanted to take a nap 30 seconds after I woke up this morning.

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